Tag Archives: Unity

Freedom In Prayer: A Personal Perspective on Intercessory Prayer for Native America

FREEDOM IN PRAYER Jeny’s Personal Reflections on Freedom in Prayer Jennifer Joy, founder of His Glory Reigns Ministries and the North America Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield, and I were dialoging (2012) about the prayer letters I have submitted over the last several months and she suggested that I write a little note for the group […]

Renewed with Trust

HAVE YOU ever longed to return to a special place or to be re-united with old friends? The Lord says in Zephaniah 3:20, “I will lead you home, and with your own eyes you will see me bless you with all you once owned.” There is a longing among our Native people to see our […]

Remove Discord

HAVE YOU ever struggled in going to our Father to confess your sins? How much more difficult is it to ask Him to reveal your unknown sins? Psalm 19:12-13 says, “None of us know our faults. Forgive me when I sin without knowing it. Don’t let me do wrong on purpose, LORD, or let sin […]

Unique and United

WHICH IS HARDER? To be unique in a crowd of people who are like-minded, OR to be like-minded with a group of people who are unique? Those serving in First Nations ministry are often challenged to be individual children of our Father while being one with the Body of Christ. TODAY, I INVITE YOU to […]

Pursue Unity

HAVE YOU ever reflected on your relationships with Believers, and wondered why your common faith in Christ appears to bring more division than unity? The desire for ‘unity’ is a common and ancient burden among our Native peoples. As Believers, we confirm and testify that ‘unity’ is important to our Creator and Christ. However, those […]